Friday, September 30, 2005

temporarily displaced

Well, as I have been momentarily removed from my office in order to remedy some computer ailments, I am taking the opportunity to Blog a bit in the nostalgic comfort of the IPSF Office down the hall; birthplace of so many laughs and ideas and hard work and good times. Ahh to be last year again...
However, one not need go down the path already travelled, as there is much to behold in the path yet to be discovered, especially after this week. There was a very significant development with regards to job security the other day, and I am know that the furthest displacement I will experience from my beloved office is down the hall, as I have been asked to remain for some time. I suppose not entirely unexpected, but most entirely appreciated, as although I was prepared to make the move to another venue/locale/way of life, I am so enjoying the work here, and am happy to stay. VIVE LA VIE EN EUROPE!
And so begins the hunt for an apartment, lest I allow myself to become a permanent fixture in the IPSF flat. I am anxious for a space of my own (preferably walled this time) with my own things and furniture that hasn't come from the street; with the space and time to Tae-Bo at any hour I see fit without bothering anyone and some empty cupboards to fill with things I plan to cart over from The 'Peg. OOOOOH to see my martini shaker again! HOW I have missed it so! Building a nest is most fun...
And tonight once again we will propagate social well-being with our dinner party. I am UBER excited to have everyone over! Even was up at 5am in order to fit in the workout and get to work early in order to leave in good time to get everything ready. That being said I wasn't sleeping much anyway after retiring at 1 but awakening to what I thought was the alarm at 3am, but was instead a barrage of SMS's from BH90210 freshly home from a party and eager to chit chat. So with approximately 3 hours sleep I bounded out of bed, caffeinated to the max, and started the day.
And, it has thus far been productive, save for this little computer take-over by Mr. Computerplan. Hmmmm, wonder if he's done yet, those FIP News (BANE of my time existence) words are not going to write themselves this month any more than they did any previous month that I have been Blogging about it.


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