Monday, October 16, 2006

start spreadin' the news

Once again grains of sand have slid through the hour glass over and over again and a significant number of days have passed since the last posting. Which DOES mean however that they have gone quickly, and busily, and thankfully so, as in a mere four times 24 hours I will be in NEW YORK CITY for a whirlwind 24 of my own in one of the best places on Earth. The memory of the last time conjures up so much excitement I'm bubbling from the inside out and can't wait to be swallowed into it all over again. It is a place that think I could assimilate to quite easily - drop me off (um, with ample resources, please, financial and otherwise) and I would have the most FAAH of existences ever. Oh yes, test me, please...
Although, this notion exists for many of my favourite cities; the feeling that I could be dropped off and survive in bliss in a matter of mortal seconds. Some places I love but hesitate to make the same assumption. Paris, for one, I would imagine necessitates a solid social network to create an exciting life, as the Parisiennes are not apt to welcome the un-French with open arms, and is not a city best spent enjoying on your own. And Porto, loved beyond belief, is more so for those there than the city, but that in itself renders the social dilemma mute. New York and Barcelona, however, with their never-sleeping-always-open hours, open doors, networks of those from here and there and everywhere, and never ending humm of excitement, there a One could manage quite easily.
Mmmm nice thoughts for an otherwise ho-hum Monday morning. TIME FASTER QUICKLY GO PLEASE.
But since the last post, many an event has transpired. GSP has celebrated another year (HAPPY BIRTHDAY SP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), the Who's Who of FIP have passed a week at Headquarters, and life with the Roomie continues in unabated hedonism (on HIS part, not mine).
And although excited about the upcoming North American trek, mostly about NYC, am most looking forward to the fact that the days will be filled with all kinds of fun that will have them sprinting forward, as ONE MONTH from today I am set to touch down in one of the other afore mentioned cities to visit an afore mentioned feature in the Myr Life Magazine, and for that I watch each second tick!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the constituents of a good day

(Pro-Blog - wow look at ME blogging TWO days in a row! Ahhh back on track, baby...)
Today has been good. Why, you may ask? Productivity was not exactly at an all-time high....I'm suffering from a mild workout and lack of lunch has left me feeble (oh woe, woe woe woe ; ) and the skies are purging rain. BUT, as I say over and over again, it is far from being about the what and the where than about the who, and today, the WHO were FAB and a HALF!
AM: Mostly spent Google chatting to JJ, freshly arrived in Berlin...he WILL be fine, once he finds the cheese and butter...
Early PM: BH90210, about nothing in general but everything laughable. No, despite any recent mention, this gold standard has not left the scene, thankfully, and I believe dinner is in the works on Sat-o-rama.
Late PM: THE BEAN! GSP in full form on a quest to find me the cookies I have been so desperately craving only available in EVERYWHERE outside this divinely-forgotten corner of Europe. And OH NO, he didn't believe me, VITALINEA DOES MAKE COOKIES. I really must march over to Barca RIGHT NOW and prove my point. I really must. Now.
And now, in the Later PM, tis almost time to jet-set-satellite on outta here. But now of course I really want those cookies....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

reality tv

WOW. Any Grey's Anatomy fans out there? The best episode of any tv I have seen in years (and this from a DIE HARD SATC fan). And begs the question: if this was YOUR last day...and I already know. Exactly. Not one, tiny, miniscule doubt or further contemplation needed. But don't bother asking.
But, one need not occupy oneself with such thoughts (although I find that such crazy what-if scenarios are v useful for mindlessly passing the 15 minute walk to work and back which I have grown to hate again with the coming of the chilliness) when reality is not tv and we plug along.
Although continually busy, time seems to be passing with palpable slowness as the gap between being stationed and moving is naggingly evident. Eighteen days 'til I am on the go again with the MOTHER of all crazy flight schedules: Amsterdam-Frankfurt-NYC (STOPOVER - THROW YOUR HANdS UP!!) - Chicago-Winnipeg (feel the love)- San Antonio - Chicago - New York - Frankfurt - Amsterdam. *phew* I'm spent.
Of course I can't help but skip ahead a month until November which will be FULL of B's and J's and G's and SO MANY GOOD TIMES the equal reality that they will end is CRUSHING; any sequentially minded individual would not subject oneself to such fall-outs until necessary, if at all, but, well, welcome to my world.
In the mean time, I think I'm allergic to darkness. I keep waking up with hives - a nice big splotchy one on my forehead, how HAHHHT is that?
More tv on. Must go.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

the blog doth protest too much

It is Saturday. Thoughts are scattered. Thoughts have attempted to scatter their random selves from mental to virtual form, however The Blog (and the Photoblog - Brazil pics still loading) has been unresponsive (or The Blog server, rather). But it loves me, I'm sure. It can reject my posts all it likes, but I know that it is merely employing the "if you love something set it free" (set is free, refuse to see it, change your number, whatev) tactic just to keep me coming back. And here I am.

It was a day like any other day. Saturday in The Hague - the mere thought alone sparks FLAMES of excitement, does it not? I'm being facetious; the day was lovely, save for the tropical storm that seemed to strike at the exact moment I was taking my freshly coiffed and labouriously straightened hair to brunch. Damn humidity.

Frankly I was just happy to forget the week and everything and anything to do with the letters PSWC. Talk about FOAD. Further discussion with Boss is essential, as should my professional life continue to be ruled by database entry and heathen Congress Mistresses long overdue for retirement, there be trouble ahead. The uneasiness simply lies in the fact that two publications will take priority next week, and they are attention hogs, like the greedy kid at the birthday party who has three pieces of cake and then sifts through the M&Ms with sticky little paws to find all the red ones.

One month until I launch into another barrage of travel, and COME HITHER I SAY! Frankly I feel more at home not at home; to find my clothes actually hanging in a closet rather than shuffled into some space-saving corner of a suitcase is foreign (pun intended). So, I will venture forth again, back to Canada for the first time in a year, after one MUCH anticipated stopover in NYC to revel in the all-engrossing excitement that La Pomme Grande has to offer. I have been told drinks at the W are already booked; W-me.

But post-Winnipeg those four little afore-mentioned letters (PSWC, for those not paying full attention) will drag me south to the Lone Star State for a fun-lovin' time with the Pharmaceutical Scientists in San Antonio. Not only am I stuck there for 6 days lacking a fun travel companion, I do not look forward to the fried and meaty food ubiquitous to the South. My next task is to scope out the trendy/healthy/FAB-AND-A-HALF San Antonio restaurants to visit, where the walls are all one colour, the lighting is Danish, the furniture is new-age-retro and the champagne is free-flowing (or expense account flowing, deeeelightful).

But I look past October to November, when I will return to Barcelona, one year after my first Return to Barça. And where are we after a year? All the way back? Time will tell. But there will be FAAH GSP-Myr times like always.

And then...CHRISTMAS in Porto, where the SP's of GSP will have a Canadian Foster Child for the holidays, where there is little chance of developing the feeling of hunger during the entire week.

And now my thoughts are getting too far ahead for the amount of work that must come in between. Life is a series of good times strung together by the banalities of survival; one can just hope the strings are short.

(How very pseudo-zen. Do I smell incense? Oh wait that's my toast burning...)

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

a teaser - EPRSRNaFAAH VP's

Ahhhh, those were good times. Gooood Brazilian times...

where has all the blogging gone?

Up, up and away, in a beautiful balloon and otherwise. It is reaching two months since the last post, the longest absence yet...much has transpired in this time - another roommate change, another trip to Brazil, another trip to Porto, another FIP Congress with lasting consequences - too much to even digest let alone put down in words in the Blog.
Some things have changed - for better and/or worse - and some remain the same. But, all this is to come. One must ease back into Blogging slowly lest one not strain oneself and pull a muscle.
Back on track shortly, promise.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


chaud. calor. caldo. heet. kumaar. VARMTE. haahhhhhahhhhahhhhhahhht.

tenho muito.

it was 34 degrees in the flat at 1am last night. i've always said hot is better than cold, and I still stand by that, but this is a bit much. the office offers no reprieve.


Monday, July 17, 2006

the span of a year

Firstly, let me say that I am fully aware they are going to take away my Blog for lack of use. I've been so blog-less lately, but it has just been that crazy. This would also be less of a problem if I could post from home, which I intended to do on Saturday, alas....technical difficulties prevailed.

But, this week, my thoughts are very much turning to last summer for various reasons. First and foremost is that the IPSF Congress is going on RIGHT NOW in Oz, and I am devastated to be missing it, the first since 2002. Reports indicate that fun and merriment transcend all IPSF generations, and that all is on track for yet another amazing Congress. The ONLY silver lining to this cloudy absence is the close-to-daily updates from BH90210, made all the more sweeter in that they are unsolicited, and so very welcome.

Exactly one year ago this weekend I was in Edinburgh to see SfromS and LJ from WPG, those were...interesting times. Both in and around the time up to my little Scottish getaway.

So many memories from last summer, most I embrace with the nostalgic equivalent of a monster hug, and some I would rather put through Black and Decker Party Mate blender. But that of course what makes one's memory bank so diverse in currency.

Are things better now? In many ways yes, if only for the people who I now consider to make the days worthwhile. Some where mere ideas last year, unimaginable that we would complimentary pepper life with goodness so often. Some characters still remain, and some are steadily playing in different arenas. Only time will tell.

JSP's bday Monday. So wish I could be there. TB is on her way in a couple weeks, and with any luck whatsoever, Houston will grace me with his fabulous presence VERY soon (and KEANE IN BERLIN, NOVEMBER!!)

It is doubtful that this post has made up for my absence (esp seeing as how it will likely not post from home....) but it is a half an hour into the new day, and my lovely shower is calling.